Ekan® SR 50
Shrinkage Reducing Admixture
EN 934-1
Dosage: 1.0 kg – 2.0 kg per 100 kg cement.
Optimum dose of Ekan®SR 50 should be established after local tests considering the expected shrinkage reduction. Typically the extent of this shrinkage ranges from 30% at the lower dosage to up to 50% at full dosage of Ekan®SR 50. At same dosages, its effect will be more significant in designs with a lower w/c ratio.
Ekan®SR 50 can either be introduced into the mixture water or added as a final component to the already mixed wet concrete. In case the product is incorporated into the mixture by a pan mixer it should be mixed for a minimum of 60 seconds or 5 minutes in case it is mixed in the transit mixer in order to ensure a homogeneous dispersion of the product.
Ekan®SR 50’s shelf life is 12 months when stored in its original package in a dry environment protected from direct sunlight, at a temperature between +2°C and +35°C. Below temperatures or frost will destroy the product while temperatures higher than +35°C will damage it.
After a long idle period, shake, mix the product or use a circulation pump to homogenize it before use.
Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Detailed health and safety information is available in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).